May 4, 2024Date & TimeBy Asif Mughal JavaScript Countdown Timer Minutes Seconds This JavaScript Countdown Timer Minutes Seconds code allows users to set a countdown countdown timer By inputting the desired time and format, […]
May 4, 2024Date & TimeBy Asif Mughal Simple JavaScript Chronometer This JavaScript code defines a Stopwatch object to create a stopwatch with start, stop, and reset functionalities. It utilizes HTML, CSS, and […]
May 1, 2024Date & TimeBy Asif Mughal Datepicker For Date of Birth in JavaScript This JavaScript code creates a date picker for selecting a date of birth. It displays a calendar interface with navigation buttons to […]
April 10, 2024Bootstrap, Date & TimeBy Asif Mughal Bootstrap Countdown Timer Circle This code creates a countdown timer displayed in a circular format. It visually indicates the time remaining. The timer starts when initiated. […]
April 8, 2024Date & TimeBy Asif Mughal JavaScript Date Picker with Current Date This JavaScript code creates a date picker with the ability to select the current date. It disables the current date after noon […]