May 12, 2024September 12, 2024AccordionBy Asif Mughal HTML Expand Collapse Text without JavaScript This HTML & CSS code snippet helps you to expand and collapse text sections without JavaScript. It utilizes checkboxes and CSS animations. […]
April 18, 2024AccordionBy Asif Mughal Multilevel Accordion Menu with Plain HTML & CSS This code creates a multilevel accordion menu using plain HTML and CSS. It uses checkboxes to open and close sections smoothly. You […]
April 17, 2024AccordionBy Asif Mughal FAQ Accordion Using HTML CSS JavaScript This code creates a FAQ accordion using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows toggling between questions and answers. Toggling is done by […]
April 4, 2024AccordionBy Asif Mughal JavaScript Accordion with Arrows This JavaScript Accordion with Arrows code allows expanding and collapsing content sections. When clicked, sections expand or collapse. It works by toggling […]
April 2, 2024AccordionBy Asif Mughal Accordion in Vanilla JavaScript with Plus Minus This code creates an accordion in Vanilla JavaScript with plus and minus icons. The accordion expands or collapses its content when clicked. […]